Scripture: Judges 6, Judges 7

Once Gideon settled the issue, it is not who I am but who God is that counts, his next hurdle was proving that it was God talking to him. He asked for a sign as he offered an offering. God answered by fire and Gideon perceived the angel was real and God was indeed talking to him! Faith came to obey the direction he was getting and God.

proved Himself to be for the nation of Israel!  God was patient with Gideon as Gideon became a confident warrior through various assignments. When it came to the key battle defeating Midian, Gideon’s army used as their weapons what God had instructed. – a trumpet, pitcher, and a torch. What an unlikely array of war weapons!

God calls us to obey him over our own desires or pleasures. It makes sense that Christ said that it is a narrow road which leads to salvation. Often, we have to use our faith on our flesh to obey God. Is it any wonder the Apostle Paul said, I die daily. Walking that road requires surrender and obedience to God, and when we begin walking on that road is when we position ourselves to be used by Him! Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.

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